MEXICO CITY – Mexico's ruling party declared Claudia Sheinbaum the winner of the presidential election by a "large margin" ...
Since mid-January the UN humanitarian agency OCHA has screened more than 93,400 children under five in Gaza for malnutrition, ...
DHOLERA/NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi plans a raft of business-friendly measures if he wins a ...
RAFAH (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) – Israel bombarded the Gaza Strip and battled Hamas Sunday as mediators called on both ...
That's the warning from a security expert who says artificial intelligence apps can animate your face and apply faked audio ...
Israel's defence minister said on Sunday (Jun 2) that Israel would not accept Hamas continuing to rule Gaza at any stage ...
(Web Desk) - Cybercriminals can infect your devices with ransomware attacks - and it's easier for them to do so when Wi-Fi ...
MALE (Maldives) (AFP) – The Indian Ocean nation of the Maldives will ban Israelis from the luxury tourist hot spot, the ...
Singapore (AFP) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused China on Sunday of working hard to stop countries from going ...
ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – A 13-judge full court of the Supreme Court (SC) of Pakistan will hear the case concerning the ...
KHUSHAB (Dunya News) - A massive fire broke out in forests near Padhrar, a town of Soon Valley in District Khushab in Punjab ...
(Web Desk) - From 1960 to 1969, Pakistani pilgrims used a unique type of currency for Hajj, issued by the State Bank of ...