Governor Phil Scott vetoed H.72 on May 30. Now, it's a question of whether legislators have the supermajority required to ...
In a decade, the country has halved cigarette sales. Its relationship with heated tobacco products represents a unique path ...
Training exchanges with Israeli security forces have heavily influenced the militarization of US policing and surveillance ...
In much of the world, smoking rates remain as high as they were in rich countries decades ago. This is unconscionable. We ...
Contrary to his suggestion, nothing about the rescheduling action would specifically address racial disparities in criminal ...
We are the people who used to smoke. There would be many more of us if the world weren’t exposed to massive amounts of ...
Residents have launched a petition to overturn the recent ban. Harm reductionists have no clear guidance as they suspend ...
The Department of Corrections is using unreliable drug tests to justify an impending mail ban, only confirming the results ...
As a public comment period begins, advocates variously plan to back rescheduling, call for descheduling, or fight for ...
T he Washington State Department of Corrections (WDOC) will ban people in its custody from receiving greeting cards and ...
Jackie is a program director of the People, Place and Health Collective at Brown University, located on the lands of the ...
The ban took effect on May 20. There may be avenues to getting it overturned, but for now, harm reductionists will have to ...